Consent Choker (VRChat)
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This choker is made of two pieces. There's the metal chain, which is available in four colors (Silver, Gold, Rose Gold, and Black). And there's the 3D-printed plastic that spells out your current status ("Want", "Open", "Ask Me", and "Stop"). You can unselect the current word just to have a plain necklace on your avatar, if you don't wish to have an active status. You can also change the brightness in VRChat inside the expressions menu.
Not sure? You can try this on for free in VRChat! Go to this world, and select the female avatar on the right side. * Import the latest version of Poiyomi Toon and VRCFury. * Drag and drop your preferred variant of the "ConsentChoker" prefab under your avatar. The variants include regular and large text as well as four styles of chain (Silver, Gold, Rose Gold, and Black). * Move the object to where you want it, then scale it appropriately. Keep in mind that the choker is designed for the neck. * If you need to resize for a wider or more narrow neck, use the blendshapes called "Wide Neck" and "Narrow Neck". * Upload to VRChat Note: If you're fine with the default configuration, you don't need to unpack the prefab for this accessory to work. This choker is made of two pieces. There's the metal chain, which is available in four colors (Silver, Gold, Rose Gold, and Black). And there's the 3D-printed plastic that spells out your current status ("Want", "Open", "Ask Me", and "Stop"). You can unselect the current word just to have a plain necklace on your avatar, if you don't wish to have an active status. You can also change the brightness in VRChat inside the expressions menu.
Poiyomi Shaders: VRCFury:
Frequently Asked Questions
"Is this quest compatible?" - It is! That said, you will have to use the VRChat/Mobile shaders, which means the brightness slider in the expressions menu will not work. "How do I place it on a different part of my body?" - Unpack the prefab if you haven't already. Then, click on the ConsentChoker in the Hierarchy. Look for the "VRCFury Armature Link" in the Inspector. Finally, change "Link To (Avatar)" to where you want the ConsentChoker to be. As an example, if you wanted to wear it as a bracelet on your right hand, you'd select Right Hand. "How do I change where it goes in the expressions menu?" - I'm assuming you're using the silver variant, although this works for all 8 variants. Unpack the prefab, if you haven't already. Then click on the "ConsentChoker" object and look for the "VRCFury Full Controller" component. Finally, change the menu prefix from "Items/ConsentChoker (Silver)" to what you want. - I'll be using the regular text, silver chain variant for the example. Unpack the prefab, if you haven't already. Then click on the "ConsentChoker" object and look for the "VRCFury Full Controller" component. Finally, change the menu prefix from "Items/ConsentChoker (Silver)" to where you want it. For example, you could call it "Choker" under the heading of "Toys". To do this, you'd change it to "Toys/Choker". Or, you could call it "Necklace" which would be placed under "Neck" which itself would be under "Clothing". To do this, you'd change it to "Clothing/Neck/Necklace". "I hit the limit of 256 bits on my avatar's parameters. Can you help me?" - You can give up the brightness controls to save eight bits. Look in the project folder in "Assets/ConsentChoker/resources" and find the parameters file. Open it, and remove the parameter called "ConsentChoker/Brightness". Then in the same folder, open the menu file. And remove the menu option called "Brightness".
Terms of Use
By buying and downloading this product, you agree to its Terms of Use. # Permitted * Use in VRChat * Show on any digital media. Examples include video/pictures/streaming. * Legal 18+ usage. # Prohibited * Redistribution or sale of this product * Any commercial use except in advertising Copyrighted by Kayla Colflesh