* Drag and drop the "FurySeat" prefab under your avatar. * Move the object to where you want it. Behind the hips generally works best, but you can place it anywhere you like. Note: If you're fine with the default configuration, you don't need to unpack the prefab for this accessory to work.
Frequently Asked Questions
"How do I change where it goes in the expressions menu?" - First, unpack the prefab. Then click on the FurySeat object and look for the "VRCFury" component. Finally, change the menu prefix from "Items/Seat" to what you want. For example, you could call it "Chair" under the heading of "Toys". To do this, you'd change it to "Toys/Chair". Or, you could call it "My Butt" under the heading of "Utilities". To do this, you'd change it to "Utilities/My Butt". "How do I get multiple seats?" - You can have up to six simultaneous seats. All you need to do is duplicate the prefab under the avatar (RMB => Duplicate or Ctrl+D), unpack it, and then change the menu path so each seat has a unique name. For example, if you wanted three seats, you'd duplicate it twice, and then change the path to "Items/Seat 1", "Items/Seat 2", and "Items/Seat 3". Keep in mind that if you have more than six seats on your avatar (including from other accessories), VRChat will only allow six and randomly pick which seats will be disabled. "How do I change the color of the box or make it invisible?" - You can use the Color option to cycle through available colors. You can also toggle the Box Visible option to make the box invisible. "What posing options do my friends in three-point mode have in the seat?" - You can have your friends in the default sitting animation with the Default Sit Animation option. Or, you can have your friends use their favorite locomotion poses to get comfortable. Keep in mind that to toggle the Default Sit Animation, you'll first need to disable the seat via the On option, toggle the Default Sit Animation option, and then re-enable the seat via the On option.
Terms of Use
By buying and downloading this product, you agree to its Terms of Use. # Permitted * Use in VRChat * Show on any digital media. Examples include video/pictures/streaming. * Legal 18+ usage. # Prohibited * Redistribution or sale of this product * Any commercial use except in advertising Copyrighted by Kayla Colflesh